Matthews Marking Systems // Mon, 09 Aug 2021 04:22:46 +0000 zh-CN hourly 1 Matthews Marking Systems // // Thu, 23 May 2019 20:16:23 +0000 // 铝带材制造商既可获得二维条码可追溯性,同时还能保持生产线速度

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挑战某金属线圈和金属带供应商求助?Matthews Marking Systems,是因为其客?– 某铝带制造商需要采用二维数据矩阵码来提高可追溯性,同时又不想放慢既有生产线运行速度。该客户的既有打标设备无法生成尺寸为 2.25 x 1.125 英寸?7.15 x 28.575 毫米)的二维条码和文字。此外,供应的所有设备都必须能够承受金属工厂恶劣的工作环境?/p>


  • 打印头能够以可变数据矩阵码和文字的多种组合方式进行打?/li>
  • 能够生成对比度高、清晰可见、轮廓分明的标记
  • 采用能够附着于铝材的速干墨水
  • 打印头解决方案能够实现每分钟 200 英尺的生产速度
  • 采用通用型控制器来管理和指引打印头的运动、基于摄像头的打标时机和质量检验、打印计数器以及供墨系统监测

Matthews 的解决方案Matthews 推荐了自己的按需?(DOD) 大字符打标系?VIAjet? class= V 系列,该系统配备?2 ?32 阀?8000+ 打印头。Matthews 的打印头采用了微型阀门技术,既能减少墨水消耗,又能高速生成轮廓分明的高质量标记,其尺寸从 0.125 英寸?5 英寸?.175 毫米?127 毫米)不等。为了保持生产速度并尽可能减少操作人员的干预,每个打印头都配有大流量墨水系统泵。推荐的墨水 – SCP-411A 黑色墨水采用能够附着于铝材的速干配方,而附加串联加热装置可在打印完成后立即进行干燥处理,从而加快标记的干燥速度?br /> 此外,该解决方案还集成了视觉系统,由此可以实现质量分级。此项功能以及打印计数器、打标时机和墨水液面高度监测均由 Matthews 的打标打码自动化平台 MPERIA® 控制?br /> MPERIA 采用带有插件?I/O 模块的定制软件解决方案,能够与所有组件通信并使它们同步,从而以每分?200 英尺的速度生产准确的可变数据矩阵码。再者,MPERIA 可与工厂的主机软件通信,以获得指定生产批次的正确打码数据。为了免受恶劣环境侵袭,MPERIA 控制器带有特制的外壳?/p>

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Matthews Marking Systems // // Wed, 22 May 2019 22:13:25 +0000 // 钢管制造商采用 MPERIA® 控制?DOD 打标方案和颜料墨水进行产品标?/p>

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总部位于美国加州的某钢制结构管、管道和建筑造型装饰件制造商希望找到一种能够在其钢管产品侧面印制二维条码和字母数字字符标记的解决方案。大尺寸标记为客户提供了产品识别信息和质量信息。该公司已经在使?Matthews 的阀门式喷墨设备和黑色墨水进行打标,但是黑色墨水与多种不同类型的钢制承印材料 – 包括冷轧、热轧、镀锌、酸洗和涂油表面对比度有限,因此在某些应用中不够清晰易读,给该公司带来了挑战。其要求包括?/p>
  • 打印头能够以可变数据和条形码的多种组合方式进行打?/li>
  • 能够生成对比度高、清晰可见、轮廓分明、可被影像系统读取的二维条码
  • 墨水能够附着于多种钢制承印材?/li>
  • 采用通用型控制器来管理和指引与不同产品相关的不同标记的打?/li>

Matthews 建议添置 VIAjet? class= V 系列按需?(DOD) 大字符打标系统,该系统配?1 ?32 阀?8000+ 打印头并采用对比度高?SCP-800A 白色颜料墨水,由 Matthews 的打标打码自动化平台 MPERIA 驱动。以白色墨水直接在管件上印制标记,使得所有标记都能与任何深色钢制承印材料形成鲜明对比,对于客户以及对于影像设备来说都十分清晰易读。此外,Matthews 的打印头采用了微型阀门技术,既能减少墨水消耗量,又能高速生成轮廓分明的高质量标记,其尺寸从 0.125 英寸?5 英寸?.175 毫米?127 毫米)不等。MPERIA 系统既能控制 V 系列设备,又能存储适用于其它产品的多种可变标记和信息。当产品发生变化时,工人可以在生产线边上轻松选择或修改所需的标记和编码。首次安装大获成功,所以该公司在其它多家工厂实施了同一套打印解决方案,并计划继续推而广之?/p>

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Matthews Marking Systems // // Tue, 21 May 2019 00:31:24 +0000 // 采用 Matthews Marking Systems 提供的全新打码解决方案,第三方物流提供商可节?95% 的安装时间和 99% 以上的停机时间?/p>

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JCS Global Distribution 既有的生产批号打码机存在设置时间和停机时间过长的问题,对日常生产造成了不利影响,因此该公司希望找到更加高效的系统?/p>

位于美国新泽西州萨德尔布鲁克?JCS Global Distribution 公司曾经使用喷墨打码机在各种纸板包装盒上印制生产批号和日期编码标记,承印材料包括高光、金属或深度着色涂层,等等。此外,这家工厂偶尔也会给塑料包装罐或包装瓶打标。为了高效运行,生产批号打码机需要以每分?20 个硬纸盒的速度印制含有所需信息的标记。但是,当时的运行速度达不到这么高?/p>

“我们每天都会耗时长达一小时来设法让喷墨打印机正常工作,有时候还会花费远长于此的时间。”JCS 运营经理 Clifford Potters 回忆道, “这些打印机非常不可靠,需要不断进行清洁。清洁不但工作又脏又费时,而且并不能让性能有所提升或者变得可靠一点。?br /> Potters 和其他管理层人员一致认为:对于一家每天包装成千上万件产品的企业而言,生产时间的损失足以促使其寻求更加可靠的全新打码解决方案?/p>


Potters 首先对网上可供选择的生产批号打码机进行了一番研究。“我在互联网上寻找出售打码机的企业,偶然发现了几家。”他说道?em> “但是它们大多地处海外,没有一家公司能够出来演示一下产品,或者让我找人聊一聊。?/em>
Potters 通过电子邮件联系?Matthews Marking,询问了关于备选方案的问题。没过多久,Matthews Marking 的客户经?Tom Milot 就联系了他。两人讨论了 JCS Global Distribution 存在的问题,Milot 精心安排了一次现场演示,为此亲自带来了一?VIApack 热喷墨打印系统?/p>

根据 JCS 对高速打印高分辨率标记的要求,VIApack 是理想的解决方案,尤其适用于包装标?– 例如批次编码、日期编码、固定和可变文字、图形以及条形码。VIApack 系统包含?VIAjet? class= L 系列热喷墨打印头、一个光敏电阻以及安装硬件。此外,它还配备?MPERIA® 打标打码自动化平台,该平台可以通过触摸屏控制打印机并管理信息的创建和编辑。由此而来的开箱即用全包式解决方案可以在生产线中轻松实施?br /> VIApack 系统能够轻松应对该企业的打印速度,因为它可以采用能以最高每分钟 200 英尺的速度印制高分辨率标记(每英寸 600 x 600 点)的配置,也可采用能以最高每分钟 1,660 英尺的高速度和每英寸 600 x 75 点的分辨率打标的配置。为了解决清洁方面的难题,L12 采用了与桌面打印机相似的基于墨盒的供墨系统。Milot 还推荐了 Matthews Marking ?LS-6023 速干墨水来适配多种纸板表面材料?br /> “Tom 匆匆赶来,为我们演示了一套非常可靠、非常完善的的系统其余供应商全都不愿出来一趟,在我们自己的包装盒上进行产品演示。”Potters 回忆道,“重要的是,我们能够在自己的厂房里接受面对面的培训,而且这款生产批号打码机还允许我们先试用再购买。?/em>


?Potters 称,自该系统安装以来,JCS Global Distribution 经历的停机时间较以往减少?99% 以上。此外,设置时间也减少了 95%,而且 MPERIA 多语言触摸屏界面大大降低了培训操作人员的难度?br /> “这套系统既可靠又完善;我们现在只需启动各装置,插入墨盒 – 就是这么简单。”他指出,“再者,由于我们再也不必停下来维护或清洁旧打印机,产能也大有提升。最后,时间就是金钱;我们现在履行订单时不会因设法维护旧系统而延迟。?/em>
Potters ?Soos 一开始预计全?VIApack 系统可在 4 个月内收回成本,因为可靠性和生产力均有提升;后来,他们将回本周期改成?2 个月?/p>

“得益于这套全新系统,我们能够延长生产时间并减少用工人数,整体运营成本不再因时间和人手问题而增加。它远远超出了我们的目标。”Potters 解释道,“Matthews Marking 的解决方案使我们能够以合理的成本保持旺盛的生产力。?/p>

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Matthews Marking Systems // // Mon, 20 May 2019 23:35:55 +0000 // Matthews Marking Systems 每年可为 Corbion 公司省 80,000 美元

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成功提升工作流程效率并节省成本之后,食品配料公司寻求 Matthews 进一步合作?/p>

2013 年,位于美国新泽西州东卢瑟福的食品配料行业领导?Corbion 每天采用模板印刷技术,在超?10,000 个用于带包装速冻食品的瓦楞纸箱上预印可变数据和标志。对于包装箱数量不到 100 个的生产批次,该公司会在空箱上粘贴预印标签。进行一番全面审查后,管理层人员认定上述两种打标工序都存在浪费、昂贵和过时的问题,并且需要占用过多人力和建筑面积?/p>

“我们常有未经使用的多余预印纸箱,还会遇到分拣问?– 例如将产品包装在错误的纸箱内,许多非生产性活动与这一作业环节有关。”Corbion 的持续改进经?Alex Iskander 说道?/p>

两种打标方法都造成了工作流程问题和不必要的开支:模板印刷成本为每个纸?0.04 美元,而标签成本为每个纸箱 0.12 美元。Corbion 需要采用最新打标打码解决方案来满足业务需求并节省公司的资金。该解决方案需要与高速运行的生产线保持同步,同时也需要在温度?35 华氏度、空气中经常漂浮着面粉碎屑的工厂环境中有效运行?/p>

Corbion 最终在 2013 年选择?Matthews Marking Systems,并?2018 年再次由后者为其提供更多硬纸盒打标解决方案?/p>

Matthews 最初为 Corbion 提供的按需式在线硬纸盒打印解决方案能够准确地打标打码,同时提高了打印工序的效率。它包含?MPERIA® 打标打码自动化平台,搭配高分辨率压电?VIAjet? class= T-100 系列喷墨打印头。该解决方案最终消除了对预印以及工厂内纸箱存放的需求?/p>

借助?MPERIA 控制器,Corbion 可以通过单一触摸屏界面创建和存储用于多条生产线的信息。此外,该控制器还能无缝集成公司先前所用设计软件中的标签格式,简化了标签创建过程,使操作人员能够快速更改和编辑信息。再者,该系统可以防止出现打码错误以及与之相关的包装有误的纸箱?/p>

VIAjet T 系列打印机可以记录并在渗透性材料上直接打印每一个生产批号数字、纸箱计数标识码以及生产日期和时间。它们配备了自动清洁系统,能够循环使用墨水并尽可能减少墨水消耗量,因此具有更高的性价比。再者,墨水采用了适合低温环境的配方,而该打标系统还配备了板载加热器,确保墨水在喷出之前保持流体状态,同时不会显著发热或对周围环境造成影响?/p>

?2013 年安装以来,Corbion 减少了预印纸箱库存量、释放了仓库空间并降低了与纸箱包装错误有关的人工成本。再者,印刷成本大大降低,模板印刷纸箱每个降低了 0.038 美元,贴标纸箱每个降低了 0.118 美元。总体而言,该公司每年可节省超?80,000 美元的成本,而且这套新系统已经收回了成本?/p>

由于 MPERIA 充当了多个打印头和多条生产线的中央操作系统,该解决方案伴随着 Corbion 不断变化的需求而发展壮大。例如,初次安装之后过了两年,该工厂增加了两台用于印制生产批号和日期编码标记?Matthews VIAjet? class= L 系列 L12 高分辨率热喷墨打印机。得益于 MPERIA 与生俱来的控制能力,新增设备轻而易举地集成到既有生产线中?/p>

Corbion 初次采购之后过了好几年,Matthews Marking 推出?T 系列打印机的“E”版本。这款最新打印机运行速度较前一款产品提高了 25%,并且可以放在与目标表面间距几乎两倍于前作的位置,同时仍然可以生成具有高对比度的标记、文字和图形。更大的间距尽可能降低了纸箱接触打印头的风险,能够防止墨水喷嘴积灰,因此可以减少维护并延长打印头的使用寿命?/p>

Iskander 对两次实施的结果以及安装后的服务十分满意,并?Corbion 业务网络中的其他成员推荐?Matthews Marking:“我在北美和全球企业会议上向同事们介绍了我们采用他们的系统所取得的成就,好几个人目前已经进入了购买流程,或者计划向 Matthews 购买类似的解决方案。?/p>

要详细了解Matthews Marking Systems的MPERIA 软件和高分辨率压电式喷墨打印机,请联系info@matthewschina.cn或致?008902800?/p>

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Matthews Marking Systems // // Fri, 26 Apr 2019 16:48:49 +0000 // Summary This white paper explores how a centralized, un…

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This white paper explores how a centralized, universal marking and coding automation platform helps consumer packaged goods companies better manage their package imprinting challenges across multiple printer brands and manufacturers, data sources, lines and locations.

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Matthews Marking Systems // // Mon, 15 Apr 2019 17:10:25 +0000 // Pittsburgh, PA (April 17, 2019) ?Matthews Marking Syst…

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Pittsburgh, PA (April 17, 2019) ?Matthews Marking Systems, a Matthews International company, will be exhibiting at AISTech Expo in Pittsburgh, PA May 5 ?7, 2018. This show brings together companies and professionals of the iron and steel industry, providing a platform for discussion, training and collaboration.

Matthews has the solutions to mark and code on a variety of metals, both permanent and removable. Applications vary across the board, such as regulatory agency compliance (ICBO, ICC, SBCCI, NFPA, etc.), high- and low-volume production, and even industry-specific inks. In addition to a wide variety of inks, Matthews DOD (Drop-on-Demand) valve jet printheads rank as the most reliable and robust in the steel and iron industry due to its unmatched durability in harsh factory environments.

Matthews Marking Systems also offers laser solutions for permanent coding. Laser marking and coding on steel is fast, high-resolution and brings down the cost of consumables.

To inquire about further solutions, stop by the Matthews Marking Systems booth #726 and talk with one of the marking and coding experts.
For more information, contact Jennifer Adams at Matthews Marking Systems at 971.224.1616, or visit

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Matthews Marking Systems is a global supplier of printing solutions for product identification, branding, and traceability, designed to help our customers increase productivity, reduce waste and improve overall efficiency. We offer robust and reliable systems of unmatched quality for marking needs across packaging and industrial applications, including a full line of high-resolution inkjet, laser, and drop-on-demand valve jet technologies, high-performance inks, and integrated solutions for marking and coding automation. Headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and with subsidiaries in Sweden, Germany and China, we serve customers worldwide through an extensive sales, service and distribution network. With over 160 years of marking and coding experience, Matthews Marking Systems has established a global reputation as a premier innovator and manufacturer in the marking and coding industry.


Matthews International Corporation is a global provider of brand solutions, memorialization products and industrial automation solutions. The SGK Brand Solutions segment is a leader in the delivery of brand development, activation and deployment services that help build our clients?brands and consumers?desire for them.  The Memorialization segment is a leading provider of memorialization products (memorials, caskets and cremation equipment) to cemetery and funeral home customers that help families move from grief to remembrance. The Industrial segment designs, manufactures and distributes marking, coding and industrial automation technologies and solutions. We have more than 10,000 dedicated employees in more than 25 countries on six continents that are committed to delivering the highest quality products and services.

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Matthews Marking Systems // // Thu, 11 Apr 2019 21:47:49 +0000 // Pittsburgh, PA (April 12, 2019) ?Matthews Marking Syst…

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Pittsburgh, PA (April 12, 2019) ?Matthews Marking Systems, a Matthews International company and global supplier of marking and coding solutions, attended Clemson University’s Sonoco Institute on March 25, 2019 to present industry solutions for marking and coding onto packaged goods.

Matthews?initiative in the academia field comes from its mission to support the community in providing the next generation of printing and packaging professionals with the know-how and importance of coding and traceability on consumer products. Previously, Matthews donated a thermal inkjet (TIJ) printing system to the University of Holy Cross?Food Sciences program to support the students with a hands-on experience with real applications.

The Sonoco Institute of Packaging Design and Graphics is a unique education, research, and industry collaboration to discover, develop and deliver advanced solutions and resources for tomorrow’s printing and packaging value chain.

Scott Duddy, Managing Director at Matthews, kicked off the session by introducing the company to the students, including the long history and unique, diverse business profile of the corporation. David Klodowski, Director of Engineered Solutions at Matthews, then guided the class through the different profiles of marking and coding systems, including thermal inkjet and laser.

“The students in the program are in their Junior and Senior years and have had lots of learning experience in the branding part of packaging and the buyers?(or consumers) journey, but this was a good opportunity to touch on the other part of packaging that gets overlooked: marking and coding, ?says Andrew Hurley, PhD, Associate Professor at Sonoco Institute.

Duddy commented, “We have enjoyed the opportunity to present the different marking and coding technologies available for packaging; these students were very engaged and asked great questions. We look forward to future presentations with Professor Hurley’s program.?/p>

The event was live streamed on the Matthews Marking Systems YouTube channel, and can be found here.
For more information, contact Jennifer Adams at  or visit

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Matthews Marking Systems is a global supplier of printing solutions for product identification, branding, and traceability, designed to help our customers increase productivity, reduce waste and improve overall efficiency. We offer robust and reliable systems of unmatched quality for marking needs across packaging and industrial applications, including a full line of high-resolution inkjet, laser, and drop-on-demand valve jet technologies, high-performance inks, and integrated solutions for marking and coding automation. Headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and with subsidiaries in Sweden, Germany and China, we serve customers worldwide through an extensive sales, service and distribution network. With over 160 years of marking and coding experience, Matthews Marking Systems has established a global reputation as a premier innovator and manufacturer in the marking and coding industry.

Matthews International Corporation is a global provider of brand solutions, memorialization products and industrial automation solutions. The SGK Brand Solutions segment is a leader in the delivery of brand development, activation and deployment services that help build our clients?brands and consumers?desire for them.  The Memorialization segment is a leading provider of memorialization products (memorials, caskets and cremation equipment) to cemetery and funeral home customers that help families move from grief to remembrance. The Industrial segment designs, manufactures and distributes marking, coding and industrial automation technologies and solutions. We have more than 10,000 dedicated employees in more than 25 countries on six continents that are committed to delivering the highest quality products and services.


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Matthews Marking Systems // // Fri, 15 Mar 2019 23:45:46 +0000 // Pittsburgh, PA (March 5, 2019) ?Matthews Marking Syste…

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Pittsburgh, PA (March 5, 2019) ?Matthews Marking Systems has launched a new product line focusing on OEM customers that want to integrate marking and coding equipment into their machines. The products included in this line are an automation software controller, an enclosed drop on demand (DOD) valve jet technology driver, and an enclosed thermal inkjet (TIJ) technology driver.
Because MPERIA is the only universal controller designed to work with any print technology, OEMs can easily change the printers on the line, per their customers?needs. One customer might choose a TIJ-based system because of its low capital cost or an application-based need for high resolution codes while another might want valve jet DOD because they want the unprecedented reliability and lower cost-per-mark. All products in the OEM line are much more compact than standard products of the same capabilities, making integration into current production lines a cinch.
The automation software controller, the MPERIA OEM Controller, is a production line controller ideal for OEMs controlling printers while utilizing their own user interface. The MPERIA® OEM Controller is available in three individual models: Lite, Standard, and Advanced; each with their own set of capabilities. All variants of the controller can be remotely managed via VNC and integrated by the end user with either XML or Command Line Protocol.

The enclosed drop-on-demand (DOD) valve jet technology driver, the V-Link OEM, controls Matthews?8000+ valve jet printheads. The 8000+ series delivers low ink consumption with high print quality, producing an unparalleled low cost-per-mark. The V-Link OEM is small and compact, making it easily configured into tight spaces on the production line.
The enclosed thermal inkjet (TIJ) technology driver, the L-Link, is a driver module for up to 4 of Matthews?L-Series L1 printheads. The L-1 printhead is a unique 600 DPI high-resolution cartridge-based thermal inkjet system, that has the ability to print a very high quality 12.5mm (½ inch) mark at extreme speeds of 480 m/min (1600 ft/min). These features make it the perfect match for fast, high-volume serialization applications. This small cartridge-based system provides a compact and clean solution with minimal maintenance.
For more information, contact Matthews Marking Systems at or visit

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Matthews Marking Systems is a global supplier of printing solutions for product identification, branding, and traceability, designed to help our customers increase productivity, reduce waste and improve overall efficiency. We offer robust and reliable systems of unmatched quality for marking needs across packaging and industrial applications, including a full line of high-resolution inkjet, laser, and drop-on-demand valve jet technologies, high-performance inks, and integrated solutions for marking and coding automation. Headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and with subsidiaries in Sweden, Germany and China, we serve customers worldwide through an extensive sales, service and distribution network. With over 160 years of marking and coding experience, Matthews Marking Systems has established a global reputation as a premier innovator and manufacturer in the marking and coding industry.

Matthews International Corporation is a global provider of brand solutions, memorialization products and industrial automation solutions. The SGK Brand Solutions segment is a leader in the delivery of brand development, activation and deployment services that help build our clients?brands and consumers?desire for them. The Memorialization segment is a leading provider of memorialization products (memorials, caskets and cremation equipment) to cemetery and funeral home customers that help families move from grief to remembrance. The Industrial segment designs, manufactures and distributes marking, coding and industrial automation technologies and solutions. We have more than 10,000 dedicated employees in more than 25 countries on six continents that are committed to delivering the highest quality products and services.

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Matthews Marking Systems // // Fri, 15 Mar 2019 23:41:08 +0000 // Pittsburgh, PA (February 19, 2019) – Matthews Marking S…

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Pittsburgh, PA (February 19, 2019) ?/span> Matthews Marking Systems continues to enhance their Drop-On-Demand valve jet product line. Recognizing the market need for a straightforward, cost-effective solution for coding in stand-alone applications, Matthews has launched a simplistic, yet robust controller with builtin printhead driver technology called the I-Mark VX32.  

The VX32 is a compactout-of-the-box system that has an IP42 protected metal enclosure that allows a clean installation of one to four valve jet printheads, up to 32 valves. 
Key features include: 

+ Large 7?touchscreen user interface with built-in message editor
+Ethernet and RS232 for external communication
+Extensive language support, including full BIDI for respective languages
+Support for true-type fonts
+Ink cost estimation calculator
+Easy backup & restore, and software upgrade via USB 

For more information, contact Matthews Marking Systems at or visit 

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Matthews Marking Systems is a global supplier of printing solutions for product identification, branding, and traceability, designed to help our customers increase productivity, reduce waste and improve overall efficiency. We offer robust and reliable systems of unmatched quality for marking needs across packaging and industrial applications, including a full line of high-resolution inkjet, laser, and drop-on-demand valve jet technologies, high-performance inks, and integrated solutions for marking and coding automation. Headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and with subsidiaries in Sweden, Germany and China, we serve customers worldwide through an extensive sales, service and distribution network. With over 160 years of marking and coding experience, Matthews Marking Systems has established a global reputation as a premier innovator and manufacturer in the marking and coding industry.   

Matthews International Corporation is a global provider of brand solutions, memorialization products and industrial automation solutions. The SGK Brand Solutions segment is a leader in the delivery of brand development, activation and deployment services that help build our clients?brands and consumers?desire for them.  The Memorialization segment is a leading provider of memorialization products (memorials, caskets and cremation equipment) to cemetery and funeral home customers that help families move from grief to remembrance. The Industrial segment designs, manufactures and distributes marking, coding and industrial automation technologies and solutions. We have more than 10,000 dedicated employees in more than 25 countries on six continents that are committed to delivering the highest quality products and services. 

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